
"Diets" do not work. The only diet anyone needs is a good one. Please throw away all those books you have bought. A good diet consists of a moderate intake of complex carbohydrates, fat and protein, plus large helpings of fresh fruit and veg.

Apart from a very small unfortunate group of people who genuinely have biological reasons for being fat, the root cause of obesity is over eating. We all have differing metabolic rates, which means that we have to become aware of how much food we need. If you gain excess weight it is because you are consuming more calories than your body requires, and it has stored it as fat.

Eating complex carbohydrates means wholemeal flour products, potatoes, bananas, oats, brown rice and other cereals that have not been over refined. It means drastically reducing the consumption of white flour products, chips (French fries), crisps (potato chips), cakes, sweets (candy) and chocolate.

Fat is an important constituent of the diet, so even if it were possible it would not be recommended to remove it completely. The Atkins diet has been proven to work at shedding the pounds. It was a very controversial diet because it flew in the face of medical advice which is that complex carbohydrates should form the major part of it, whereas Atkins favoured the consumption of protein and natural fatty foods.

The diet worked though because those on it had stopped eating junk food. Gone were the Big Macs, cakes, chocolate, biscuits (cookies) and other confectionery goodies. Plus protein foods are more filling; so there is less of a tendency to over eat. However, the establishment was right in its criticism of the diet because it is not sensible to remove one of the major energy sources from the body i.e. complex carbs, which release energy slowly. The Atkins diet now is very much along the lines of mainstream thought.

You are probably thinking this sounds incredibly boring now that you cannot touch your favourite snacks, but hey I'm not that cruel. In fact one of the reasons diets fail is that they are boring. People will bravely follow their chosen diet slavishly for months, then crack under the strain and suddenly start binging.

All I suggest is that you eat sensibly and take notice of the first two paragraphs of this subject. You must allow space in your diet for the snacks you love, but you know just how much you can eat before the scales start to shout. So, instead of buying that big bar of chocolate, which you know you will devour once you have opened it, buy a small bar instead. In fact buy all of your treats this way and ignore the two for one offers!

"Starvation" diets are a sure way to fail in your search for a leaner you. Biologically we have become attuned to times of plenty and times of scarcity. When we drastically curtail our calorie intake, the body becomes more efficient in its use of the nutrients. This increased efficiency does not switch off when the diet finishes.

Increasing your metabolic rate is also important in shifting those excess pounds. Cayenne pepper is noted for its effect on raising the metabolic rate, as are many fruits, veg and lean protein.

Exercise and Keeping Fit

I often wondered why the over weight guys and gals at my gym never seemed to be winning their battle of the bulge contest, despite their regular aerobic exercise classes.

It is now scientifically known that the body, after an aerobic work out returns to its metabolic resting state an hour after the activity. In other words the body ceases to burn those calories off at the rate you would like. I can't remember the exact statistic, but to burn off a pound of fat takes something like a 4-hour run.

But before you rush off to burn your gym kit, there is some good news. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart, lungs and circulation (cardio-vascular), and is also a mood lifter. In fact some people reckon they get an adrenaline rush (lucky so-and-so's).

And there is even better news... weight training burns calories far more effectively than aerobic exercise. Now before all you women think oh no, I don't want to look like Arnie, this isn't for me, you are wrong. To get a body like Arnie you have to shift big weights, train intensively and eat like a monster. You probably have to do other things as well ^^ (raised eyebrows!).

After using weights your muscles continue to burn calories for several hours afterwards. Weights are great for toning, especially if you want to concentrate on specific areas, and for body posture it will also give a sense of well-being.

So, next time you go to the gym combine your aerobic work-out (20 mins) with a weight-training program (40 mins) and after a while you should start to notice some results. But do remember diets play a significant role. Even with workouts you can still consume more calories than your body requires; and yes, it will be stored as fat :-(

Just doing something like bicep curls early morning will give your system a metabolic kick-start. If you would like some specific advice on what exercises you should use then please contact me.

#what is a good diet #exercise and keeping fit #diets do not work

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